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The philosophy and approach of small data Journalism toward data journalism.

Syllabus for Data Journalism, Fall 2013 at NYU-SCPS

Course information and tentative classwork and assignments. Note: The class is over but you can still read the class lessons at the above link

Suggested readings on data journalism

A by-no-means-complete list of guides, articles, and books related to data journalism. Will be updated and reorganized frequently.

Practical Guides

For my class, I wrote up a couple of detailed technical guides. There are several more I haven't finished and hope to publish soon.

Publishing Static Websites on Amazon S3

I wanted my students to have the option to easily and extremely cheaply build their own home on the web, in case other content-sites weren't flexible enough.

Mashing and Mapping Data with Fusion Tables

How to use Google Fusion Tables and Spreadsheets for basic data transformation, analysis, and mapping.

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